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to raise a hymn

  • 1 raise a hymn

    Общая лексика: затянуть псалом

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > raise a hymn

  • 2 raise

    1. [reız] n
    1. 1) повышение, поднятие, увеличение
    2) амер. прибавка ( к зарплате)
    2. подъём; дорога в гору
    3. горн. восстающая выработка
    2. [reız] v
    1. 1) поднимать (тж. raise up)

    to raise the blind [the window] - поднять жалюзи [окно]

    to raise anchor - поднимать якорь; сниматься с якоря

    to raise the earth around a plant - с.-х. окучивать растение

    to raise one's hat to - а) приподнять шляпу, приветствовать кого-л.; б) снять шляпу ( в знак одобрения)

    that was a fine gesture: something worth raising one's hat to - это благородный поступок, перед которым я преклоняюсь

    2) поднимать; повышать

    to raise one's eyes - а) поднять глаза (на кого-л.); б) возвести очи к небу

    to raise one's eyebrows - поднять брови (в знак изумления и т. п.)

    to raise one's voice - повысить голос [см. тж. II А 4]

    to raise one's voice at smb. - говорить с кем-л. в повышенном тоне; повышать голос на кого-л.

    3) refl подняться

    he raised himself - он поднялся /встал/

    4) помочь подняться

    to raise smb. from his knees - поднять коленопреклонённого

    5) взметать; вздымать

    to raise a cloud of dust - поднять облако пыли [ср. тж. ]

    to raise steam - тех. поднять пары в котле

    6) извергать; поднимать (пыль и т. п.)
    2. 1) поднимать; будить, воскрешать

    to raise smb. at midnight - поднять кого-л. посреди ночи

    to raise memories - пробудить /воскресить/ воспоминания

    2) рел. воскрешать
    3. 1) вызывать, возбуждать; порождать

    to raise laughter [a smile, astonishment, controversy] - вызвать смех [улыбку, удивление, разногласия]

    2) начинать, поднимать; затевать

    to raise a disturbance - учинить скандал /неприятность/; поднять шум

    3) ( часто to, against) поднимать на борьбу

    to raise smb. to defend /to the defence of/ smth. - поднять кого-л. на защиту чего-л.

    to raise the country [the people] against smb. - поднять страну [народ] на борьбу с кем-л.

    4. 1) повышать, увеличивать

    to raise wages - повысить /увеличить/ зарплату

    to raise smb.'s reputation - укрепить чью-л. репутацию

    to raise the temperature - поднять /повысить/ температуру

    to raise the market - ком. повысить цены

    2) карт. увеличивать ставку
    3) амер. ком. подделать путём переделки обозначенной на документе суммы на более высокую
    5. 1) часто refl возвышать, поднимать
    2) возводить ( в звание); производить ( в чин); повышать по службе

    to raise to the peerage - пожаловать пэрство /достоинство пэра/

    6. редк. превозносить, восхвалять
    7. шотл. выводить из себя, приводить в ярость
    8. уст., диал., спец. = rise II
    9. охот. поднимать ( зверя)
    10. горн. добывать; выдавать

    thousands of tons of coal were raised - были выданы на-гора тысячи тонн угля

    11. мат. возводить в степень
    12. текст. ворсовать; начёсывать
    13. мед. разг. откашливаться, отхаркиваться
    II А
    1. воздвигать, сооружать (здание и т. п.)
    2. 1) выращивать, выводить (растения и т. п.); разводить (скот, птицу)

    to raise corn [vegetables, flowers] - выращивать кукурузу [овощи, цветы]

    to raise cattle [poultry] - разводить крупный рогатый скот [птицу]

    2) обыкн. амер. растить, воспитывать ( детей)

    where was he raised? - откуда он родом?

    3. 1) ставить, поднимать ( вопрос)

    to raise a question /an issue, a point/ - поставить /поднять, выдвинуть/ вопрос

    to raise a matter /a subject/ with smb. - заговорить с кем-л. по вопросу /на тему/

    2) выдвигать ( возражение); предъявлять ( требование)

    to raise objections - возражать, выдвигать возражения

    to raise a claim [a demand] - предъявить претензию [требование]

    4. издавать ( звук); подавать ( голос)

    to raise a cry - издать или поднять крик; закричать

    to raise a song of triumph - возвыш. залиться победной песнью

    to raise a sigh - издать вздох, вздохнуть

    to raise one's voice - возвысить голос [см. тж. I 1, 4)]

    to raise one's voice against smth. - возвысить /поднять/ свой голос против чего-л.; протестовать против чего-л.

    5. вызывать (дух, тень)

    to raise ghosts [a spirit] - вызвать духов [привидение]

    6. собирать, добывать ( деньги)

    to raise taxes [rent, rates] - собирать /взимать/ налоги [квартплату, сборы]

    to raise money on smth. - получить ссуду под что-л.

    7. набирать ( в армию); формировать ( часть)

    to raise a unit - формировать часть /подразделение/

    8. снимать (ограничения и т. п.)

    to raise an embargo [a quarantine] - отменить эмбарго [карантин]

    to raise the blockade - снять или прорвать блокаду

    9. разг.
    1) натирать ( волдырь); набивать ( мозоль)

    these shoes always raise blisters - в этой обуви обязательно сотрёшь себе ноги

    2) вздуваться (о волдыре и т. п.)
    10. заквашивать
    11. мор. открыть или увидеть на горизонте (берег и т. п.)

    to raise land - приближаться к берегу, открыть берег

    raise pistol! - воен. пистолет наизготовку!

    to raise camp - сняться с привала /со стоянки/; свернуть лагерь

    to raise one's glass to smb., smth. - поднять бокал за кого-л., что-л.; провозгласить тост

    enough to raise one's hair - ≅ от этого волосы могут стать дыбом

    to raise one's hand to smb. - поднять руку на кого-л., ударить кого-л.

    he didn't raise a finger to help us - он и пальцем не пошевельнул, чтобы нам помочь

    to raise Cain /hell, mischief, a rumpus, the devil/ - поднять шум; начать буянить, скандалить

    to raise the roof см. roof I

    to raise a big smoke - амер. поднять тревогу

    to raise a dust - а) волноваться, нервничать; поднимать шум; б) втирать очки; [ср. тж. I 1, 5)]

    to raise the wind - сл. раздобывать деньги

    НБАРС > raise

  • 3 raise

    1. гл.
    1) а) поднимать to raise pastry/dough ≈ ставить тесто на дрожжах to raise a sunken ship from the bottom of the sea to the surface ≈ поднимать затонувший корабль со дна моря на поверхность Syn: elevate, hoist, lift, uplift Ant: depress, descend, lower б) повышать( в звании, должности) Any worker who makes a useful suggestion to the firm will be raised to a higher position. ≈ Любой сотрудник, сделавший дельное предложение, будет повышен. Syn: elevate Ant: lower в) горн. добывать г) текст. ворсовать, начесывать
    2) а) будить б) воскрешать Syn: uplift в) выращивать( растения) ;
    разводить( птицу, скот) г) растить, воспитывать( детей) д) воздвигать (здание и т. п.)
    3) а) ставить, поднимать (вопрос) Syn: bring up
    3), fling up
    4), sling up б) поднимать (голос, вой и т. п.) ;
    вызывать (смех, сомнение, тревогу и т.д.) в) запеть, начать( песню) ;
    издать (крик)
    4) а) собирать( какие-л. финансовые средства каким-л. образом) б) воен. собирать, формировать to raise a unit ≈ сформировать частьraise from raise up to raise one's glass to smb., smth. ≈ поднять бокал за кого-л., что-л.;
    провозгласить тост raise hell to raise a big smoke raise a check raise a ghost
    2. сущ.
    1) а) подъем, дорога в гору б) горн. восстающая выработка
    2) повышение, поднятие, увеличение to give smb. a raise (in salary) ≈ повысить кому-л. (зарплату) to deserve, get a raise ≈ получать зарплату across-the-board raise ≈ всеобщее повышение annual raise ≈ увеличение за год Syn: rise, increase ∙ make a raise повышение, поднятие, увеличение (американизм) прибавка( к зарплате) - to ask for a * просить о повышении зарплаты - he got a * ему повысили зарплату подъем;
    дорога в гору( горное) восстающая выработка поднимать (тж. * up) - to * a weight from the ground поднять тяжесть с земли - to * the blind поднять жалюзи - to * the earth around a plant( сельскохозяйственное) окучивать растение - to * one's hat to приподнять шляпу, приветствовать кого-л.;
    снять шляпу (в знак одобрения) - that was a fine gesture: something worth raising one's hat to это благородный поступок, перед которым я преклоняюсь поднимать;
    повышать - to * one's eyes поднять глаза (на кого-л.) ;
    возвести очи к небу - to * one's eyebrows поднять брови (в знак изумления и т. п.) - to * one's voice повысить голос - to * one's voice at smb. говорить с кем-л. в повышенном тоне;
    повышать голос на кого-л. подняться - he *d himself он поднялся /встал/ помочь подняться - to * smb. from his knees поднять коленопреклоненного взметать;
    вздымать - to * a cloud of dust поднять облако пыли - to * the waves вздымать волны - to * steam( техническое) поднять пары в котле извергать;
    поднимать (пыль и т. п.) - to * smoke извергать дым поднимать;
    будить, воскрешать - to * smb. at midnight поднять кого-л. посреди ночи - to * memories пробудить /воскресить/ воспоминания - her cries could * the dead от ее воплей мертвые проснулись бы (религия) воскрешать - to * from the dead воскресить из мертвых вызывать, возбуждать;
    порождать - to * laughter вызвать смех - to * suspicion возбудить подозрение - to * a blush заставить покраснеть( от смущения) - to * a thirst вызывать жажду - to * difficulties чинить препятствия - to * a report пускать слух начинать, поднимать;
    затевать - to * a revolt поднять восстание - to * a disturbance учинить скандал /неприятность/;
    поднять шум - to * a quarrel затеять ссору (часто to, against) поднимать на борьбу - to * smb. to defend /to the defence of/ smth. поднять кого-л. на защиту чего-л. - to * the country against smb. поднять страну на борьбу с кем-л. повышать, увеличивать - to * prices повысить цены - to * wages повысить /увеличить/ зарплату - to * smb.'s reputation укрепить чью-л. репутацию - to * the temperature поднять /повысить/ температуру - to * temperature to 100 degrees поднять температуру до 100 градусов - to * production to a maximum довести выпуск продукции до максимума - to * the market( коммерческое) повысить цены( карточное) увеличивать ставку (американизм) (коммерческое) подделать путем переделки обозначенной на документе суммы на более высокую часто refl возвышать, поднимать - to * the soul возвышать душу - the danger *d his spirits опасность заставила его собрать все силы возводитьзвание) ;
    производитьчин) ;
    повышать по службе - to * to the peerage пожаловать пэрство /достоинство пэра/ - to * from the ranks произвести в офицеры /рядового/ (редкое) превозносить, восхвалять( шотландское) выводить из себя, приводить в ярость (охота) поднимать (зверя) (горное) добывать;
    выдавать - thousands of tons of coal were *d были выданы на-гора тысячи тонн угля (математика) возводить в степень( текстильное) ворсовать;
    начесывать (медицина) (разговорное) откашливаться, отхаркиваться - to * blood харкать кровью воздвигать, сооружать( здание и т. п.) - to * a bank насыпать вал выращивать, выводить( растения и т. п.) ;
    разводить (скот, птицу) - to * corn выращивать кукурузу - to * cattle разводить крупный рогатый скот обыкн. (американизм) растить, воспитывать (детей) - to * a family растить детей - I was *d among the mountains of the north я вырос в горах севера - where was he *d? откуда он родом? ставить, поднимать (вопрос) - to * a question /an issue, a point/ поставить /поднять, выдвинуть/ вопрос - to * a matter /a subject/ with smb. заговорить с кем-л. по вопросу /на тему/ выдвигать (возражение) ;
    предъявлять (требование) - to * objections возражать, выдвигать возражения - to * a claim предъявить претензию издавать (звук) ;
    подавать( голос) - to * a cry издать или поднять крик;
    закричать - to * a song завести песню - to * a hymn затянуть псалом - to * a song of triumph (возвышенно) залиться победной песнью - to * a cheer разразиться аплодисментами - to * a sigh издать вздох, вздохнуть - to * one's voice возвысить голос - to * one's voice against smth. возвысить /поднять/ свой голос против чего-л.;
    протестовать против чего-л. - not a voice was *d in opposition никто не сказал ни слова против вызывать (дух, тень) - to * ghosts вызвать духов собирать, добывать (деньги) - to * taxes собирать /взимать/ налоги - to * a subscription собирать (деньги) по подписке - to * a loan сделать заем - to * money on smth. получить ссуду под что-л. набирать( в армию) ;
    формировать (часть) - to * a unit формировать часть /подразделение/ снимать( ограничения и т. п.) - to * an embargo отменить эмбарго - to * the blockade снять или прорвать блокаду( разговорное) натирать (волдырь) ;
    набивать (мозоль) - to * a bump набить шишку - to * a blister натереть волдырь - these shoes always * blisters в этой обуви обязательно сотрешь себе ноги вздуваться( о волдыре и т. п.) заквашивать - to * bread поставить тесто( морское) открыть или увидеть на горизонте (берег и т. п.) - to * land приближаться к берегу, открыть берег > * pistol! (военное) пистолет наизготовку! > to * camp сняться с привала /со стоянки/;
    свернуть лагерь > to * one's glass to smb., smth. поднять бокал за кого-л., что-л.;
    провозгласить тост > to * one's feathers нахохлиться( о птице) > enough to * one's hair от этого волосы могут стать дыбом > to * one's hand to smb. поднять руку на кого-л., ударить кого-л. > he didn't * a finger to help us он и пальцем не пошевельнул, чтобы нам помочь > to * the head появиться > famine *d its head in the land в стране свирепствует голод > to * Cain /hell, mischief, a rumpus, the devil/ поднять шум;
    начать буянить, скандалить > to * the roof (сленг) поднимать шум, скандалить;
    шумно возмущаться;
    вести себя шумно и вызывающе;
    нарушать порядок, правила поведения;
    выходить из себя, терять самообладание;
    вызывать фурор;
    производить потрясающее впечатление > to * a big smoke (американизм) поднять тревогу > to * a dust волноваться, нервничать;
    поднимать шум;
    втирать очки > to * the wind (сленг) раздобывать деньги ~ горн. восстающая выработка;
    to make a raise раздобыть, получить взаймы raise будить;
    to raise from the dead воскресить из мертвых ~ воздвигать (здание и т. п.) ~ текст. ворсовать, начесывать ~ горн. восстающая выработка;
    to make a raise раздобыть, получить взаймы ~ вызывать (смех, сомнение, тревогу) ~ выращивать (растения) ;
    разводить (птицу, скот) ;
    растить, воспитывать (детей) ~ выращивать ~ горн. добывать, выдавать на-гора;
    to raise hell, амер. to raise a big smoke sl. поднять шум, начать буянить, скандалить ~ добывать ~ занимать деньги ~ запеть, начать (песню) ;
    издать (крик) ~ извлекать ~ повышать (в звании, должности) ;
    to raise a man to the peerage пожаловать (кому-л.) титул пэра ~ повышать (в звании, должности) ~ повышать ~ повышение, поднятие;
    увеличение ~ повышение ~ повышение заработной платы ~ поднимать (на защиту и т. п.) ~ поднимать;
    to raise one's glass to (smb.'s) health пить( за чье-л. здоровье) ;
    to raise anchor сниматься с якоря ~ поднимать ~ подъем ~ прибавка к заработной плате ~ разводить ~ собирать (налоги и т. п.) ;
    to raise money добывать деньги;
    to raise troops набирать войска;
    to raise a unit воен. сформировать часть ~ собирать (налоги и т.п.) ~ собирать налоги ~ ставить, поднимать (вопрос) ;
    to raise a question поставить вопрос;
    to raise objections выдвигать возражения;
    to raise a claim предъявить претензию ~ ставить, поднимать (вопрос) ~ увеличение ~ увеличивать ~ горн. добывать, выдавать на-гора;
    to raise hell, амер. to raise a big smoke sl. поднять шум, начать буянить, скандалить to ~ a check амер. подделать чек;
    to raise a ghost вызвать духа to ~ a check амер. подделать чек;
    to raise a ghost вызвать духа ~ повышать (в звании, должности) ;
    to raise a man to the peerage пожаловать (кому-л.) титул пэра ~ ставить, поднимать (вопрос) ;
    to raise a question поставить вопрос;
    to raise objections выдвигать возражения;
    to raise a claim предъявить претензию ~ собирать (налоги и т. п.) ;
    to raise money добывать деньги;
    to raise troops набирать войска;
    to raise a unit воен. сформировать часть ~ поднимать;
    to raise one's glass to (smb.'s) health пить (за чье-л. здоровье) ;
    to raise anchor сниматься с якоря raise будить;
    to raise from the dead воскресить из мертвых ~ горн. добывать, выдавать на-гора;
    to raise hell, амер. to raise a big smoke sl. поднять шум, начать буянить, скандалить ~ ставить, поднимать (вопрос) ;
    to raise a question поставить вопрос;
    to raise objections выдвигать возражения;
    to raise a claim предъявить претензию ~ поднимать;
    to raise one's glass to (smb.'s) health пить (за чье-л. здоровье) ;
    to raise anchor сниматься с якоря to ~ pastry (или dough) ставить тесто на дрожжах;
    to raise the eyebrows (удивленно) поднимать брови ~ собирать (налоги и т. п.) ;
    to raise money добывать деньги;
    to raise troops набирать войска;
    to raise a unit воен. сформировать часть

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > raise

  • 4 innalzare

    ( erigere) erect
    * * *
    innalzare v.tr.
    1 (elevare) to lift (up), to raise (anche fig.), to elevate (anche fig.): innalzare una bandiera, to raise (o to hoist) a flag; innalzare le braccia, to raise one's arms; innalzare gli occhi al cielo, to raise (o to lift up) one's eyes to heaven; innalzare un inno, to raise a hymn; innalzare l'animo di qlcu., to elevate s.o.'s mind // innalzare un palo, (fissarlo in posizione verticale) to set up a pole // innalzare al settimo cielo, to praise (o to extol o to laud) to the skies
    2 (fig.) (elevare di condizione) to raise, to advance, to promote: innalzare qlcu. a una dignità, to raise (o to promote o to advance) s.o. to a dignity; innalzare qlcu. di grado, to raise s.o. to a higher rank (o to promote s.o.); innalzare qlcu. al trono, to raise s.o. to the throne; innalzare qlcu. all'onore degli altari, to make s.o. a saint
    3 (erigere) to build*, to erect, to put* up, to raise: innalzare un monumento, to put up (o to erect) a monument
    4 (rendere più alto) to raise, to make* higher: innalzare una casa di due piani, to make a house two storeys higher; innalzare un muro di due metri, to raise a wall by two metres (o to make a wall two metres higher); l'alta marea ha innalzato il livello dell'acqua, the high tide has raised the level of the water // innalzare la voce, to raise one's voice.
    innalzarsi v.rifl. o intr.pron.
    1 to rise*: il fumo s'innalzava verso il cielo, the smoke was rising towards the sky; montagne che s'innalzano oltre i 3000 m, mountains that rise to more than 3000 m; davanti alla casa s'innalzava un bel fico, before the house rose up (o stood) a beautiful fig tree
    2 (fig.) (elevarsi di condizione) to rise*: innalzare al di sopra della mediocrità, to rise above mediocrity; innalzare col proprio lavoro, to work one's way up
    3 (fig. letter.) (imporsi) to assert oneself.
    * * *
    1. vt
    (gen : sollevare) to raise, (costruire: monumento) to erect
    * * *
    [innal'tsare] 1.
    verbo transitivo
    1) (sollevare) to raise, to put* up [ bandiera]; to address, to uplift [ preghiera]
    2) (erigere) to erect, to raise [statua, monumento]; to erect [ impalcatura]; to put* up, to raise [ barriera]
    3) (fare salire) to raise [ temperatura]; to improve, to raise [livello, standard]
    4) fig. to elevate (a to)

    innalzare qcn. al trono, al rango di — to raise sb. to the throne, to the rank of

    5) (nobilitare) to elevate, to uplift [mente, anima]
    verbo pronominale innalzarsi
    1) (sollevarsi) [ mongolfiera] to float off, to rise* up; fig. [ anima] to ascend
    2) (ergersi) [ montagna] to rise* (up)
    3) (aumentare) [temperatura, livello dell'acqua] to rise*
    * * *
    /innal'tsare/ [1]
     1 (sollevare) to raise, to put* up [ bandiera]; to address, to uplift [ preghiera]
     2 (erigere) to erect, to raise [ statua, monumento]; to erect [ impalcatura]; to put* up, to raise [ barriera]
     3 (fare salire) to raise [ temperatura]; to improve, to raise [ livello, standard]
     4 fig. to elevate ( a to); innalzare qcn. al trono, al rango di to raise sb. to the throne, to the rank of
     5 (nobilitare) to elevate, to uplift [ mente, anima]
    II innalzarsi verbo pronominale
     1 (sollevarsi) [ mongolfiera] to float off, to rise* up; fig. [ anima] to ascend
     2 (ergersi) [ montagna] to rise* (up)
     3 (aumentare) [ temperatura, livello dell'acqua] to rise*.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > innalzare

  • 5 sciogliere

    "to dissolve;
    * * *
    capelli undo, let down
    matrimonio dissolve
    neve melt
    dubbio, problema clear up
    * * *
    sciogliere v.tr.
    1 to melt; ( la neve) to thaw; ( dissolvere) to dissolve: il calore ha sciolto la neve, il burro, the heat has melted the snow, the butter; sciogliere lo zucchero nell'acqua, to dissolve sugar in water
    2 ( disfare, slegare) to untie, to loosen, to loose, to undo*: sciogliere i lacci, to undo (o untie) laces; sciogliere un nodo, to untie (o to undo) a knot
    3 ( liberare) to release (anche fig.): sciolsero i prigionieri, they released the prisoners; sciogliere un cane dalla catena, to unleash a dog; sciogliere le vele, to unfurl the sails; sciogliere i capelli, to let one's hair down; sciogliere qlcu. da un voto, da un obbligo, to release s.o. from a vow, an obligation; sciogliere qlcu. da una promessa, to release s.o. from a promise; tutto quel vino gli ha sciolto la lingua, all that wine has loosened his tongue
    4 ( risolvere) to solve, to resolve: sciogliere un dubbio, to resolve a doubt; sciogliere un problema, to solve a problem
    5 ( annullare) to dissolve, to break* up, to cancel, to annul, to wind* up, to close: sciogliere un'assemblea, to close (o to wind up) a meeting; sciogliere il Parlamento, to dissolve Parliament; sciogliere un contratto, to annul (o to dissolve) a contract; sciogliere una società, to dissolve (o to break up) a partnership; sciogliere una società per azioni, to wind up a company
    6 ( rendere agile) to loosen (up): sciogliere i muscoli, to limber up; qualche esercizio per sciogliere i muscoli, some exercises to loosen one's muscles
    7 (non com.) ( adempiere) to fulfil: sciogliere una promessa, to fulfil a promise; sciogliere un voto, to fulfil a vow
    8 (letter.) ( levare, innalzare) to raise: sciogliere un inno, un canto, to raise a hymn, a song.
    sciogliersi v.rifl.
    1 ( slegarsi) to loosen; to come* untied: il nodo si sciolse, the knot came untied
    2 ( liberarsi) to free oneself, to release oneself (anche fig.): sciogliere da una promessa, to get out of a promise
    3 ( aver termine) to be dissolved; ( di adunanza) to break* up: l'adunanza si sciolse, the meeting broke up; la società si sciolse, the partnership was dissolved
    v.intr.pron. ( liquefarsi) to melt; ( di neve) to thaw; ( dissolversi) to dissolve: il gelato si sciolse, the ice cream melted; la neve si sta sciogliendo, the snow is thawing; questa carne si scioglie in bocca, this meat melts in your mouth // sciogliere in lacrime, (fig.) to dissolve into tears // si scioglie ogni volta che la vede, (fig. fam.) he gets warm inside every time he sees her.
    * * *
    1. ['ʃɔʎʎere]
    vb irreg vt
    1) (liquefare) to melt, (nell'acqua: zucchero) to dissolve, (neve) to melt, thaw
    2) (disfare: nodo) to undo, untie, (capelli) to loosen
    3) (slegare: persona, animale) to set free, release, untie, (fig : persona: da obbligo) to absolve, release, (contratto) to cancel, annul, (parlamento, matrimonio) to dissolve, (riunione) to break up, bring to an end, (società) to dissolve, wind up

    sciogliere un misteroto solve o unravel a mystery

    1) (vedi vt, sense 1)), to melt; to dissolve; to thaw
    2) (assemblea, corteo, duo) to break up
    (liberarsi) to free o.s., release o.s.

    sciogliersi dai legami fig — to free o.s. from all ties

    * * *
    ['ʃɔʎʎere] 1.
    verbo transitivo
    1) (slegare) to untie, to loosen, to undo* [nodo, laccio]; mar. to cast* off, to unlash [ cima]
    2) (disciogliere) to dissolve [pastiglia, zucchero]
    3) (fondere) to melt [neve, ghiaccio, burro]
    4) (rendere meno rigido) to loosen up [gambe, muscoli]
    5) fig. (liberare)

    sciogliere qcn. da — to release sb. from [promessa, obbligo]

    sciogliere qcn. da un incantesimo — to break the spell on sb

    6) fig. (annullare) to terminate [ contratto]; to dissolve [ matrimonio]; to break* off [ fidanzamento]; to break* up [ alleanza]; (smembrare) to disband [ partito]; (sospendere) to dissolve [ seduta]
    7) fig. (rivelare) to solve [dubbio, enigma, mistero]
    verbo pronominale sciogliersi
    1) (slegarsi) [nodo, laccio] to loosen, to come* undone

    - rsi i capellito loosen o let down one's hair

    2) (disciogliersi) [compressa, zucchero] to dissolve
    3) (fondersi) [ghiaccio, neve, burro] to melt
    4) colloq. (intenerirsi)
    5) (diventare meno rigido) [gambe, muscoli] to loosen up, to become* more supple
    6) fig. (dividersi) [assemblea, partito] to break* up; [ gruppo] to split* up

    sciogliere la lingua a qcn. — to loosen sb.'s tongue

    - rsi in lacrime — to dissolve into tears, to break down

    * * *
    /'∫ɔλλere/ [28]
     1 (slegare) to untie, to loosen, to undo* [nodo, laccio]; mar. to cast* off, to unlash [ cima]
     2 (disciogliere) to dissolve [pastiglia, zucchero]
     3 (fondere) to melt [neve, ghiaccio, burro]
     4 (rendere meno rigido) to loosen up [gambe, muscoli]
     5 fig. (liberare) sciogliere qcn. da to release sb. from [promessa, obbligo]; sciogliere qcn. da un incantesimo to break the spell on sb.
     6 fig. (annullare) to terminate [ contratto]; to dissolve [ matrimonio]; to break* off [ fidanzamento]; to break* up [ alleanza]; (smembrare) to disband [ partito]; (sospendere) to dissolve [ seduta]
     7 fig. (rivelare) to solve [dubbio, enigma, mistero]
    II sciogliersi verbo pronominale
     1 (slegarsi) [nodo, laccio] to loosen, to come* undone; - rsi i capelli to loosen o let down one's hair
     2 (disciogliersi) [compressa, zucchero] to dissolve
     3 (fondersi) [ghiaccio, neve, burro] to melt; si scioglie in bocca! it melts in your mouth!
     4 colloq. (intenerirsi) davanti al nipote lui si scioglie his heart melts when he sees his grandson
     5 (diventare meno rigido) [gambe, muscoli] to loosen up, to become* more supple
     6 fig. (dividersi) [assemblea, partito] to break* up; [ gruppo] to split* up
    sciogliere la lingua a qcn. to loosen sb.'s tongue; sciogliere dalle catene to unfetter; - rsi in lacrime to dissolve into tears, to break down.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > sciogliere

  • 6 затянуть псалом

    General subject: raise a hymn

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > затянуть псалом

  • 7 псалом

    изобразительные псалмы (псалмы 102/103 и 145/146; поются в составе изобразительных, кроме богослужений Великого поста, и на литургии в воскресные и праздничные дни антифонами перед малым входом) — the typical psalms, the first and second antiphons

    метрический псалом (стихотворный вариант псалма для исполнения церк. хором; введён во времена Реформации во франц. и швейцарских реформатских церквах как музыкальная форма, более соответствующая библ. в отличие от немец. лютеранских песнопений)metrical psalm

    покаянные псалмы (в Восточном христ-ве - 50-й псалом, начинающийся словами "Помилуй меня, Боже..."; в Зап. христ-ве - псалмы 6, 31/32, 38/39, 50/51, 101/102, 129/130, 142/143)the penitential psalms

    предначинательный псалом (псалом 103/104, к-рый поётся или читается в начале вечерни; посвящён прославлению красоты тварного мира и величия Создателя) — the introductory [proemial] psalm

    призывательный псалом англик., катол. (псалом 94/95 в Псалтири) — the invitatory psalm, the Venite

    прославляющие псалмы (в иудаизме) — hallel, (136, позже - 120-136) the Great Hallel, (113-118, которые поются на Песах и др. великие еврейские праздники) the Egyptian Hallels

    степенны́е псалмы — the gradual psalms

    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > псалом

  • 8 HEFJA

    enter on/upon
    * * *
    (hef; hóf, hófum; hafiðr and hafinn), v.
    1) to heave, raise, lift (hefja stein);
    hann hóf upp augu sin, he lifted up his eyes;
    hefja sik á lopt, to make a leap;
    hefja handa, to lift the hands (for defense);
    hefja höfuðs, to lift the head, be undaunted;
    hefja graut, to lift the porridge, eat it with a spoon;
    2) to exalt, raise in rank;
    hefja e-n til ríkis, to raise one to the throne;
    hefja mál sitt, to begin one’s speech;
    hefja ferð, to set out on a journey, to start;
    hefja flokk, to raise a party;
    hefja ákall, to raise a claim;
    impers., hefr e-t = hefr upp e-t, it begins (hér hefr Kristnisögu);
    refl., hefjast, to begin, originate (hvaðan af hefir hafizt skáldrskarpr?);
    4) impers. to be carried, drifted (by storm or tide);
    höf skipin öll saman (all the ships were drifted) inn at landinu;
    þeir létu hefja skipin ofan forstreymis, they let the ships drift down the stream;
    5) with preps.:
    hefja e-t af e-u, to take it off;
    impers., en er af henni hóf öngvit (acc.), when she recovered from her swoon;
    þá hóf af mér vámur allar, all ailments left me;
    refl., hefjast af höndum e-m, to leave one;
    hefja á rás, to take to one’s feet (= hafa á rás);
    refl., láta hefjast fyrir, to retreat, withdraw;
    hefja munn sinn í sundr, to open one’s mouth;
    impers., Birkibeina (acc.) hefr undan, the B. drew back;
    hefja e-t upp, to lift up (hann hóf orminn upp á hendi sér);
    impers., hóf honum upp brýn (acc.), his face brightened;
    hefja e-t upp, to begin (= hefja 3);
    Egill hóf upp kvæðit, E. began his poem;
    impers., hér hefr upp Konunga-bók, here begins the K.;
    refl., hefjast upp, to begin (hér hefjast upp landnám);
    hefjast upp til ófriðar (með ófriði), to begin warfare;
    láta hefjast við, to lay to (naut.).
    * * *
    pret. hóf, pl. hófu; part. hafinn, but also hafiðr (weak); pres. indic. hef; pret. subj. hæfi, with neg. suff. hóf-at, Korm.; [Ulf. hafjan; A. S. hebban; Engl. heave, pret. hove; O. H. G. hafan; Germ. heben; Dan. hæve; Swed. häfva; cp. Lat. capere, in-cipere.]
    A. To heave, lift, raise; hefja stein, to lift a stone, Eg. 142; ok munu nú ekki meira hefja fjórir menn, 140; (hón) hóf hann at lopti, hove him aloft, Ýt. 9; hefja e-n til himins, Edda 61 (in a verse); hóf hann sér af herðum hver, Hym. 36; þá er hefja af hvera (mod. taka ofan pott, to take the pot off), Gm. 42; hóf sér á höfuð upp hver Sifjar verr, Hým. 34; hón hófat augu af mér, she took not her eyes off me, Korm. 16; hann hóf upp augu sín, he lifted up his eyes, 623. 20; hefja sik á lopt, to make a leap, Nj. 144.
    2. phrases, hefja handa, to lift the hands (for defence), Nj. 65, Ld. 262; h. höfuðs, to lift the head, stand upright, be undaunted; sá er nú hefir eigi höfuðs, Nj. 213: h. sinn munn í sundr, to open one’s mouth, Sturl. iii. 189: hefja graut, skyr, etc., to lift the porridge, curds, etc., eat food with a spoon, Fms. vi. 364; Rindill hóf (Ed. hafði wrongly) skyr ok mataðisk skjótt, Lv. 63.
    3. hefja út, to lift out a body, carry it from the house (út-hafning), Eg. 24; er mik út hefja, Am. 100; var konungr hafiðr dauðr ór hvílunni, Hkr. iii. 146. The ceremony of carrying the corpse out of the house is in Icel. still performed with solemnity, and followed by hymns, usually verses 9 sqq. of the 25th hymn of the Passíu-Sálmar; it is regarded as a farewell to the home in which a person has lived and worked; and is a custom lost in the remotest heathen age; cp. the Scot. to lift.
    β. hefja (barn) ór heiðnum dómi, to lift ( a bairn) out of heathendom, is an old eccl. term for to be sponsor (mod. halda undir skírn), Sighvat (in a verse); N. G. L. i. 350 records three kinds of sponsorship—halda barni undir primsignan, önnur at hefja barn ór heiðnum dómi, þriðja at halda á barni er biskup fermir: to baptize, skal þat barn til kirkju færa ok hefja ór heiðnum dómi, 12; barn hvert er borit verðr eptir nótt ina helgu, þá skal haft vera ( baptized) at Páskum, id.
    4. to exalt, Ad. 20, cp. with Yngl. S. ch. 10; hóf hann Jóseph til sæmðar, Sks. 454; hafðr til ríkis, 458; upp hafðr, 451; önd hennar var upp höfð yfir öll engla fylki, Hom. 129; hann mektaðisk mjök ok hóf sik of hátt af þeim auðæfum, Stj. 154; at hann hæfi upp ( exaltaret) Guðs orð með tungunni, Skálda 208; konungr hóf hann til mestu metorða, 625. 31: er hans ríki hóf, 28.
    II. impers.,
    1. to be heaved, hurled, drifted, by storm, tide, or the like; þá hóf upp knörr (acc.) undir Eyjafjöllum, a ship was upheaved by the gale, Bs. i. 30; hóf öll skipin (acc. the ship drifted) saman inn at landinu, Hkr. i. 206; þetta hóf ( drifted) fyrir straumi, iii. 94; þeir létu hefja ofan skipin forstreymis, let the ship drift before the stream, Fms. vii. 253; Birkibeina hefr undan, the B. went back, ix. 528.
    2. medic., en er af henni hóf öngvit (acc. when she awoke, of one in a swoon), Bjarn. 68; þá hóf af mér vámur allar (acc. all ailments left me), svá at ek kenni mér nú hvergi íllt, Sturl. ii. 54; ek sé at þú ert fölr mjök, ok má vera, at af þér hafi, I see thou art very pale, but may be it will pass off, Finnb. 236; hóf honum heldr upp brún (acc. his face brightened), Eg. 55.
    III. reflex. to raise oneself, to rise; hefjask til ófriðar, to raise war, rebel, Eg. 264.
    β. to be raised; hefjask til ríkis, to be raised to the throne, Fms. i. 99; hefjask hátt, to be exalted, Fs. 13; hann hafði hafisk af sjálfum sér, he had risen by himself, Eg. 23; féll Hákon en hófsk upp Magnúss konungr, Sturl. i. 114; Þórðr hófsk ( rose) af þessu, Landn. 305, Hom. 152.
    2. phrases, hefjask við, to lay to, a naut. term; lét þá jarl hefjask við ok beið svá sinna manna, Fms. viii. 82; hefjask undan, to retire, draw back, Sd. 144: in the phrase, hefjask af höndum e-m, to leave one; hefsk nú aldregi af höndum þeim, give them no rest, Fms. xi. 59.
    3. part., réttnefjaðr ok hafit upp í framanvert, Nj. 29.
    B. Metaph. to raise, begin, Lat. incipere:
    1. to raise; hefja flokk, to raise a party, a rebellion, Fms. viii. 273; h. rannsókn, to raise an enquiry, Grág. ii. 193; h. ákall, to raise a claim, Eg. 39; h. brigð, to make a reclamation, Gþl. 295.
    2. to begin; hefja teiti, Fms. vii. 119; h. gildi, Sturl. i. 20; h. Jóla-hald, to begin ( keep) Yule, Fms. i. 31; h. boðskap, ii. 44: of a book, þar hefjum vér sögu af hinum helga Jóni biskupi, Bs. i. 151; h. mál, to begin one’s speech, Ld. 2; h. ferð, to start, Fb. ii. 38; h. orrustu.
    β. with prep. upp, (hence upp-haf, beginning); hóf Helgi upp mál sitt, Boll. 350; Egill hóf upp kvæðit, E. began his poem, 427; hann heyrði messu upp hafna, Fms. v. 225; hefja upp sálm, to begin a hymn, 623. 35; Flosi hóf upp suðrgöngu sína, F. started on his pilgrimage, Nj. 281; h. upp göngu sína, to start, Rb. 116.
    γ. hefja á rás, to take to one’s feet; síðan hefr hann á rás ok rann til bæjarins, Eg. 237; hinir Gautsku höfðu (thus weak vide hafa C. 2) á rás undan, Fms. iv. 120.
    δ. absol., hann hóf svá, he began thus, Fms. i. 33; þar hef ek upp, vii. 146; þar skal hefja upp við arftöku-mann, start from the a., Grág. i. 62.
    II. impers. to begin; hér hefr Þingfara-bólk (acc.), Gþl. 5; hér hefr upp Kristindóms-bólk, 39, 75, 378; hér hefr Landnáma-bók, Landn. 24; hér hefr upp landnám í Vestfirðinga fjórðungi, 64, 168 (v. l.), 237 (v. l.); hér hefr Kristni-Sögu, Bs. i. 3; nú hefr þat hversu Kristni kom á Ísland, id.; hér hefr sögu af Hrafni á Hrafnsevri, 639; hér hefr upp ok segir frá þeim tíðindum, er …, Fms. viii. 5; áðr en hefi sjálfa bókina, Gþl.; hér hefr sögu Gísla Súrs-sonar, Gísl. (begin.), v. l.: with upp, ok upp hefr Skáldskapar-mál ok Kenningar, Edda (Arna-Magn.) ii. 427; hér hefr upp Konunga-bók og hefr fyrst um þriðjunga-skipti heimsins, Hkr. Cod. Fris. 3; hann kom til Túnsbergs er upp hóf Adventus Domini, Fms. ix. 338.
    III. reflex. to begin; þar hefsk saga Harðar, Landn. 62; hvaðan hefir hafizk sú íþrótt, whence originates that art? Edda 47; hér hefjask upp landnám, Landn. 275; hófsk ríki Haralds konungs, king H.’s reign began, Ld. 2; áðr Rómverja-ríki hófsk, Rb. 402; hófusk (höfðusk, Ed. wrongly) þá enn orrostur af nýju, Fms. xi. 184; hvernig hafizk hefir þessi úhæfa, Al. 125; nú hefsk önnur tungl-öldin, Rb. 34; þá hefsk vetr, 70–78, 436.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HEFJA

  • 9 Херувимская

    = Херуви́мская песнь
    (неизменяемое песнопение правосл. церкви; название получило по начальным словам; поётся во время "Великого входа" непосредственно до и после, на литургии Иоанна Златоуста и Василия Великого; является приготовительной к достойному присутствию и участию в евхаристии; исполнение Херувимской отличается особой торжественностью) the Cherubic [Cherubimic] Hymn, греч. Cherubikon

    "Иже херувимы тайно образующе, и Животворящей Троице трисвятую песнь припевающе, Всякое ныне житейское отложим попечение." (первая часть, которая поётся непосредственно до "Великого входа") — "We who mystically represent the Cherubim who sing to the life-giving Trinity, the thrice-holy hymn, let us now lay aside all earthly cares"; или "Let us who mystically represent the Cherubim, Chant the thrice-holy hymn to the Life-giving Trinity. Let us lay aside all earthy care."

    "Аминь. Яко да Царя всех подъимем, ангельскими невидимо дароносима чинми. Аллилуиа, Аллилуиа, Аллилуиа." (вторая часть, которая поётся непосредственно после "Великого входа") — "Amen. That we may receive the King of the universe born aloft by armies of "unseen angels". Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia"; или "Amen. That we may raise on high the King of all, Who comes invisible upborne by the Angelic Hosts. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!"

    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > Херувимская

  • 10 воспеть

    1) General subject: anthem, carol, chant, elegize, praise, sing, sing of
    2) Religion: anthemise, hymn, raise anthem

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > воспеть

  • 11 गो _gō

    गो m. f. (Nom. गौः) [गच्छत्यनेन, गम् करणे डो Tv.]
    1 Cattle, kine (pl.)
    -2 Anything coming from a cow; such as milk, flesh, leather &c.
    -3 The stars; वि रश्मिभिः ससृजे सूर्यो गाः Rv.7.36.1.
    -4 The sky.
    -5 The thunder- bolt of Indra; Ki.8.1.
    -6 A ray of light; नान्यस्तप्ता विद्यते गोषु देव Mb.1.232.11; बालो$यं गिरिशिखरेषु चारयन् गाः त्रैलोक्यं तिमिरभरेण दुष्टमेतत् (रविः नैर्मल्यं नयति) । Rām. Ch. 7.6.
    -7 A diamond.
    -8 Heaven.
    -9 An arrow. -f.
    1 A cow; जुगोप गोरूपधरामिवोर्वीम् R.2.3; क्षीरिण्यः सन्तु गावः Mk.1.6.
    -2 The earth; दुदोह गां स यज्ञाय R.1.26; गामात्तसारां रघुरप्यवेक्ष्य 5.26;11.36; Bg.15.13; सेको$- नुगृह्णातु गाम् Mu.3.2; Me.3; cf. also the quotation for (
    -3 Speech, words; कुलानि समुपेतानि गोभिः पुरुषतो$- र्थतः Mb.5.28; रघोरुदारामपि गां निशम्य R.5.12;2.59; Ki.4.2.
    -4 The goddess of speech, Sarasvatī.
    -5 A mother.
    -6 A quarter of the compass.
    -7 Water; सायं भेजे दिशं पश्चाद्गविष्ठो गां गतस्तदा Bhāg.1.1.36; also pl.; Bhāg.11.7.5.
    -8 The eye; गोकर्णा सुमुखी कृतेन इषुणा गोपुत्रसंप्रेषिता Mb.8.9.42.
    -9 A region of the sky. -m. A bull, an ox; असंजातकिणस्कन्धः सुखं स्वपिति गौर्गडिः K. P.1; Ms.4.72; cf. चरद्गव.
    -2 The hair of the body.
    -3 An organ of sense; अदान्तगोभिर्विशतां तमिस्रं पुनः पुनश्चर्वितचर्वणानाम् Bhāg..7.5.3.
    -4 The sign Taurus of the zodiac; Bṛi. S.49.
    -5 The sun.
    -6 The number 'nine' (in math.).
    -7 The moon.
    -8 A singer.
    -9 A billion.
    -1 A cow-sacrifice
    -11 A house; cf. गौर्वज्रं गौः प्रभा भूमिर्वाणी तोयं त्रिविष्टपम् । धेनुर्बस्तो वृषो दिग्गौर्नेत्रं लज्जा गुरू रमा ॥ इन्द्रियं श्रीरुमा... Enm.
    -Comp. -कण्टकः, -कम् 1 a road or spot trodden down by oxen and thus made im- passable.
    -2 the cow's hoof.
    -3 the print of a cow's hoof.
    -कर्ण a. having cow's ears.
    (-र्णः) 1 a cow's ear; गोकर्णसदृशौ कृत्वा करावाबद्धसारणौ Ks.6.57.
    -2 a mule.
    -3 a snake; Mb.8.9.42.
    -4 a span (from the tip of the thumb to that of the ring-finger); गोकर्णशिथिल- श्चरन् Mb.2.68.75; तालः स्मृतो मध्यमया गोकर्णश्चाप्यनामया Brahmāṇḍa P.
    -5 N. of a place of pilgrimage in the south, sacred to Śiva. श्रितगोकर्णनिकेतमीश्वरम् R.8.33.
    -6 a kind of deer.
    -7 a kind of arrow; Mb.8.9.42.
    -किराटा -किराटिका the Sārikā bird.
    -किलः, -कीलः 1 a plough
    -2 a pestle.
    -कुलम् 1 a herd of kine; वृष्टिव्याकुलगोकुलावनरसादुद्धृत्य गोवर्धनम् Gīt.4; गोकुलस्य तृषा- र्तस्य Mb.
    -2 a cow-house.
    -3 N. of a village (where Kṛiṣṇa was brought up).
    -कुलिक a.
    1 one who does not help a cow in the mud.
    -2 squint-eyed.
    -कुलोद्भवा an epithet of Durgā.
    -कृतम् cow-dung.
    -क्षीरम् cow's milk.
    -क्षुरम्, -रकम् a cow's hoof.
    -खरः a beast (पशु); यत्तीर्थबुद्धिः सलिले न कर्हिचिज्जनेष्वभिज्ञेषु स एव गोखरः Bhāg.1.84.13.
    -खा a nail.
    -गृष्टिः a young cow which has had only one calf.
    -गोयुगम् a pair of oxen.
    -गोष्ठम् a cow-pen, cattle-shed.
    -ग्रन्थिः 1 dried cowdung.
    -2 a cow-house.
    -ग्रहः capture of cattle (गवालम्भ); Mb.12.265.2.
    -ग्रासः the ceremony of offering a morsel (of grass) to a cow when performing an expiatory rite.
    -घातः, -घातकः, -घातिन् m. a cow-killer.
    -घृतम् 1 rain-water.
    -2 clarified butter coming from a cow.
    -घ्न a.
    1 destructive to cows.
    -2 one who has killed a cow.
    -3 one for whom a cow is killed, a guest.
    -चन्दनम् a kind of sandal-wood.
    -चर a.
    1 grazed over by cattle.
    -2 frequenting, dwelling, resorting to, haunting पितृसद्मगोचरः Ku.5.77.
    -3 within the scope, power, or range of; अवाङ्मनसगोचरम् R.1.15; so बुद्धि˚, दृष्टि˚, श्रवण˚ स्वगोचरे दीप्ततरा बभूव Bu. Ch.1.13.
    -4 moving on earth.
    -5 accessible to, attainable; त्याग- सूक्ष्मानुगः क्षेम्यः शौचगो ध्यागोचरः Mb.12.236.12.
    -6 circulating, having a particular meaning, prevalent.
    (-रः) 1 the range of cattle, pasturage; उपारताः पश्चिम- रात्रिगोचरात् Ki.4.1.
    -2 (a) a district, department, province, sphere. (b) an abode, dwelling-place, a place of resort; Śi.1.21; Ms.1.39.
    -3 range of the organs of sense, an object of sense; श्रवणगोचरे तिष्ठ be within ear-shot; नयनगोचरं या to become visible.
    -4 scope, range, in general; हर्तुर्याति न गोचरम् Bh.2.16.
    -5 (fig.) grip, hold, power, influence, control; कः कालस्य न गोचरा- न्तरगतः Pt.1.146; गोचरीभूतमक्ष्णोः U.6.26; Māl.5.24; अपि नाम मनागवतीर्णो$सि रतिरमणबाणगोचरम् Māl.1.
    -6 horizon.
    -7 field for action, scope; इन्द्रियाणि हयानाहुर्विषयांस्तेषु गोचरान् Kaṭh.3.4.
    -8 the range of the planets from the Lagna or from each other.
    ˚पीडा in- auspicious position of stars within the ecliptic; गोचर- पीडायामपि राशिर्बलिभिः शुभग्रहैर्दृष्टः (पीडां न करोति) Bṛi.S.41.13. (गोचरीकृ to place within the range (of sight), make current).
    -चर्मन् n.
    1 a cow's hide.
    -2 a particular measure of surface thus defined by Vasiṣṭha:-- दशहस्तेन वंशेन दशवंशान् समन्ततः । पञ्च चाभ्यधिकान् दद्यादेतद्गोचर्म चोच्यते ॥ ˚वसनः an epithet of Śiva.
    -चर्या seeking food like a cow; गोचर्यां नैगमश्चरेत् Bhāg.11.18.29.
    -चारकः cowherd.
    -चरणम् the tending or feeding of cows; Bhāg.1.38.8.
    - a.
    1 born in the earth (rice &c.).
    -2 produced by milk; अब्जा गोजा...... Kaṭh.5.2.
    -जरः an old ox or bull; नाद्रियन्ते यथापूर्वं कीनाशा इव गोजरम् Bhāg.3.3.13.
    -जलम् the urine of a bull or cow.
    -जागरिकम् auspi- ciousness, happiness. (
    -कः) a preparer of food, baker.
    -जात a. born in the heaven (gods); गोजाता अप्या मृळता च देवाः Rv.6.5.11.
    -जिह्वा N. of a plant (Mar. पाथरी).
    -जिह्विका the uvula.
    -जीव a. living on cattle (milk- man); Hch.1.7.
    -तल्लजः an excellent bull or cow.
    -तीर्थम् a cowhouse.
    -त्रम् [गां भूमिं त्रायते त्रै-क]
    1 a cow-pen.
    -2 a stable in general.
    -3 a family, race, lineage; गोत्रेण माठरो$स्मि Sk.; so कौशिकगोत्राः, वसिष्ठगोत्राः &c.; Ms.3.19,9.141.
    -4 a name, appellation; जगाद गोत्र- स्खलिते च का न तम् N.1.3; Ś.6.5; see ˚स्खलित below; मद्गोत्राङ्कं विरचितपदं गेयमुद्गातुकामा Me.88.
    -5 a multitude.
    -6 increase.
    -7 a forest.
    -8 a field.
    -9 a road.
    -1 possessions, wealth.
    -11 an umbrella, a parasol.
    -12 knowledge of futurity.
    -13 a genus, class, species.
    -14 a caste, tribe, caste according to families. (
    -त्रः) a mountain; 'गोत्रं नाम्नि कुले$प्यद्रौ' इति यादवः; Śi.9.8. Hence गोत्रोद्दलनः means Indra; cf. इन्द्रे तु गोत्रोद्दलनः कुलघ्ने गिरिदारणे Nm.
    (-त्रा) 1 a multitude of cows.
    -2 the earth.
    ˚उच्चारः recitation of family pedigree.
    ˚कर्तृ, -कारिन् m. the founder of a family.
    ˚कीला the earth.
    ˚ज a. born in the same family, gentile, a relation; Bhāg.3.7.24; Y.2.135.
    ˚पटः a genealogical table, pedigree.
    ˚प्रवरः the oldest member or founder of a family.
    -भिद् m. an epithet of Indra; हृदि क्षतो गोत्रभिदप्यमर्षणः R.3.53;6.73; Ku.2.52.
    ˚स्खलनम्, ˚स्खलितम् blundering or mistaking in calling (one) by his name, calling by a wrong name; स्मरसि स्मर मेखलागुणैरुत गौत्रस्खलितेषु बन्धनम् Ku.4.8.
    - a. giving cows; Ms.4.231. (
    -दः) brain. (
    -दा) N. of the river Godāvarī.
    -दत्र a. Ved. giving cows. (
    -त्रः) an epithet of Indra. (
    -त्रम्) a crown (pro- tecting the head).
    -दन्त a. armed with a coat of mail.
    (-तम्) 1 yellow orpiment.
    -2 a white fossil substance.
    -दानम् 1 the gift of a cow.
    -2 the ceremony of tonsure or cutting the hair; रामलक्ष्मणयो राजन् गोदानं कारयस्व ह Rām.1.71.23; अथास्य गोदानविधेरनन्तरम् R.3. 33; (see Mallinātha's explanation of the word); कृत- गोदानमङ्गलाः U.1; अतोनं गोदानं दारकर्म च Kau. A.1.5; (Rām. explains the word differently).
    -3 the part of the head close to the right ear.
    -दाय a. intending to give cows.
    -दारणम् 1 a plough.
    -2 a spade, hoe.
    -दा, -दावरी N. of a river in the south.
    -दुह् m.,
    -दुहः 'cow-milker', a cowherd; सुदुघामिव गोदुहे R.1.4.1; चिरं निदध्यौ दुहतः स गोदुहः Śi.
    -दोहः 1 the milking of cows.
    -2 the milk of cows.
    -3 the time of milking cows.
    -दोहनम् 1 the time of milking cows.
    -2 the milking of cows; न लक्ष्यते ह्यवस्थानमपि गोदोहनं क्वचित् Bhāg.1.19. 4.
    -दोहनी a milk-pail.
    -द्रवः the urine of a bull or cow.
    -धनम् 1 a herd or multitude of cows, cattle.
    -2 possession of cows. (
    -नः) a broad-pointed arrow.
    -धरः a mountain.
    -धर्मः the law of cattle, rules relating to cattle; (open and unconcealed intercourse of the sexes); गोधर्मं सौरभेयाच्च सो$धीत्य निखिलं मुनिः । प्रावर्तत तदा कर्तुं श्रद्धावांस्तमशङ्कया ॥ Mb.1.14.26.
    -धुमः, -धूमः 1 wheat; Bṛi. Up.6.3.13.
    -2 the orange. ˚चूर्णम् wheat flour;
    -सम्भवम् a sour paste.
    -धूलिः 'dust of the cows', the time of sunset or evening twilight (so called be- cause cows, which generally return home at about sunset, raise up clouds of dust by their treading on the earth).
    -धेनुः a milch-cow with a calf.
    -भ्रः a mountain.
    -नन्दा an epithet of the wife of Śiva.
    -नन्दी the female of the Sārasa bird.
    -नर्दः 1 the (Indian) crane.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva (bellowing like a bull).
    -3 N. of a country.
    -नर्दीयः an epithet of Patañjali, author of the Mahābhāṣya.
    -नसः, -नासः 1 a kind of snake.
    -2 a kind of gem.
    -नसा the mouth of a cow.
    -नाथः 1 a bull.
    -2 an owner of land.
    -3 a herdsman.
    -4 an owner of kine.
    -नायः a cowherd; तद्यथा गोनायो$श्वनायः पुरुषनाय इत्येवं तदप आचक्षते$शनायेति Ch. Up.6.8.3.
    -नाशनः a wolf.
    -नासा the projecting snout of a cow or ox.
    -नासम् a kind of gem.
    -निष्यन्दः cow's urine.
    -पः 1 a cowherd (considered as belonging to a mixed tribe); गोपवेशस्य विष्णोः Me.15.
    -2 the chief of a cowpen.
    -3 the superintendent of a village.
    -4 a king.
    -5 a protector, guardian; Rv.1.61.1.
    ˚अनसी the wood of a thatch; गोपानसीषु क्षणमास्थितानाम् Śi.3.49.
    ˚अष्टमी the eighth day of the bright fortnight of Kārttika when Kṛiṣṇa is said to have worn the dress of a cowherd.
    ˚आटविका a cowherd.
    ˚कन्या 1 the daughter of a cowherd.
    -2 a nymph of Vṛindāvana.
    ˚अध्यक्षः, ˚इन्द्रः, ˚ईशः the chief of herdsmen, an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa.
    ˚चापः the rainbow.
    ˚दलः the betel-nut tree.
    ˚भद्रम् the fibrous root of a water-lily.
    ˚रसः gum myrrh.
    ˚राष्ट्राः (pl.) N. of a people. ˚वधूः f. a cowherd's wife; Bhāg.1.9.4. ˚वधूटी a young cowherdess, a young wife of a cowherd; गोपवधूटीदुकूलचौराय Bhāṣā P.1.
    (-पकः) 1 the superin- tendent of a district.
    -2 myrrh.
    (-पिका) 1 a cowher- dess; Bhāg.1.9.14-15.
    -2 protectress. (
    -पी) a cowherd's wife (especially applied to the cowherdesses of Vṛindāvana, the companions of Kṛiṣṇa in his juvenile sports).
    -2 a milk-maid.
    -3 a protectress.
    -4 Nature, elementary nature.
    -पतिः 1 an owner of cows.
    -2 a bull.
    -3 a leader, chief.
    -4 the sun; नीहारमिव गोपतिः Bhāg.1.12.1; Mb.1.173.32.
    -5 Indra; सुराङ्गना गोपतिचापगोपुरं पुरम् (जहुः) Ki.8.1.
    -6 N. of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -7 N. of Śiva.
    -8 N. of Varuṇa; एष पुत्रो महाप्रज्ञो वरुणस्येह गोपतेः Mb.5.98.11.
    -9 a king; नासतो विद्यते राजन् स ह्यरण्येषु गोपतिः Mb.12.135.26.
    -पथः N. of a Brāhmaṇa of Av.
    -पर्वतम् the name of the place where Pāṇini is said to have performed penance and propitiated Śiva; गोपर्वतमिति स्थानं शम्भोः प्रख्यापितं मया । यत्र पाणिनिना लेभे वैयाकरणिकाग्ऱ्यता ॥ अरुणाचलमाहात्म्यम्- उत्तरार्धः 2 अ. 68 श्लो.
    -पशुः a sacrificial cow.
    -पाः m. Ved.
    1 a herdsman.
    -2 protector, or guardian; मन्द्राग्रे- त्वरी भुवनस्य गोपा Av.2.1.57.
    -पानसी a curved beam which supports a thatch; गोपानसी तु वलभिच्छादने वक्रदारुणि Ak.2.2.15.
    -पालः 1 a cowherd; Ms.4.253.
    -2 a king.
    -3 an epithet of Śiva.
    -4 an epithet of Kṛ&iṣṇa. ˚धानी a cow-pen, cow-shed.
    -पालकः 1 a cowherd.
    -2 a king.
    -3 an epithet of Śiva; also of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -पालिः an epithet of Śiva.
    -पालिका, -पाली the wife of a cowherd; पार्थः प्रस्थापयामास कृत्वा गोपालिकावपुः Mb.1.221.19.
    -पालितः N. of a lexicographer.
    -पित्तम् bile of cows, ox-bile (from which the yellow pigment गोरोचना is prepared; गोपित्ततो रोचना Pt.1.94.).
    -पीतः a species of wagtail.
    -पीथः protection; अस्माकमृषीणां गोपीथे न उरुष्यतम् Rv.5.65.6. (
    -थम्) a holy place, a place of pilgrimage.
    -पुच्छम् a cow's tail.
    -2 a particular point of an arrow.
    (-च्छः) 1 a sort of monkey; Bhāg.8.2.22.
    -2 a sort of necklace consisting of two or four or thirty-four strings.
    -3 a kind of drum.
    -पुटिकम् the head of Śiva's bull.
    -पुत्रः 1 a young bull.
    -2 an epithet of Karṇa.
    -पुरम् 1 a town-gate; उत्तुङ्गसौधसुरमन्दिरगोपुरम् Māl.9.1.
    -2 a principal gate; दधतमुच्चशिलान्तरगोपुराः Ki.5.5.
    -3 the ornamental gate- way of a temple.
    -पुरीषम् cowdung.
    -प्रकाण्डम् an ex- cellent cow or bull.
    -प्रचारः pasture-ground, pasturage for cattle; ग्राम्येच्छया गोप्रचारो भूमी राजवशेन वा Y.2.166.
    -प्रत (ता) रः 1 a ford for cattle.
    -2 a place of pilgrimage on the Śarayū; यद्गोप्रतरकल्पो$भूत्संमर्दस्तत्र मज्जताम् । अतस्तदाख्यया तीर्थं पावनं भुवि पप्रथे ॥ R.15.11.
    -प्रदानम् same as गोदान.
    -प्रवेशः the time when cows return home, sunset or evening-twilight; गोप्रवेशसमये Bṛi. S.24.35.
    -फणा 1 a bandage hollowed out so as to fit the chin or nose &c.
    -2 a sling.
    -बालः the hair of cows.
    -भुज् m. a king; गोभुजां वल्लभा लक्ष्मीः Rāj. T.5.6.
    -भृत् m.
    1 a mountain.
    -2 a king.
    -मक्षिका a gadfly.
    -मघ a. granting cattle or cows कदा गोमघा हवनानि गच्छाः Rv.6.35.3.
    -मंडलम् 1 the globe.
    -2 a multitude of cows.
    -मण़्डीरः a kind of an aquatic bird; L. D. B.
    -मतम् = गव्यूति q. v.
    -मतल्लिका a tract- able cow, an excellent cow; अरिर्मधोरैक्षत गोमतल्लिकाम् Śi.12.41.
    -मथः a cowherd.
    -मध्यमध्य a. slender in the waist.
    -महिषदा N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on कार्तिकेय.
    -मांसम् beef.
    -मायु 1 a kind of frog.
    -2 a jackal; अनुहंकुरुते घनध्वनिं न हि गोमायुरुतानि केसरी Śi.16. 25.
    -3 bile of a cow.
    -4 N. of a Gandharva.
    -मीनः a kind of fish.
    -मुखः, -मुखम् [गोर्मुखमिव मुखमस्य] a kind of musical instrument; Bg.1.13; गोमुखानां च शृङ्गाणाम- नीकद्वयवर्तिनाम् Śiva. B.24.55.
    (-खः) 1 a crocodile, shark.
    -2 a hole of a particular shape in a wall made by thieves.
    (-खम्) 1 a house built unevenly.
    -2 spreading unguents, smearing; 'गोमुखं कुटिलाकारे वाद्यभाण्डे विलेपने' इति विश्वः; यस्यामलिन्देषु न चक्रुरेव मुग्धाङ्गना गोमयगो- मुखानि Śi.3.48. (
    -खम्, -खी) a cloth-bag of the shape of a gnomon containing a rosary, the beads of which are counted by the hand thrust inside.
    -2 a house built unevenly.
    -3 a particular method of sitting (a योगासन) (
    -खी) the chasm in the Himālaya mountains through which the Ganges flows.
    -मूढ a. stupid as a bull.
    -मूत्रम् cow's urine.
    -मूत्रकः a variety of lapis lazuli (बैदूर्य); Kau. A.2.11.
    -कम् a particular attitude (मण्डल) in गदायुद्ध; दक्षिणं मण्डलं सव्यं गोमूत्रकमथापि च । व्यचर- त्पाण्डवो राजन्नरिं संमोहयन्निव ॥ Mb.9.58.23. -a. zigzagging, going unevenly.
    -मूत्रिका 1 an artificial verse, the second of which repeats nearly all the syllables of the first. (Malli. thus defines it:-- वर्णानामेकरूपत्वं यद्येकान्तरमर्धयोः गोमूत्रिकेति तत्प्राहुर्दुष्करं तद्विदो विदुः ॥ see Śi.19.46.)
    -2 a form of calculation.
    -मृगः a kind of ox (गवय).
    -मेदः a gem brought from the Himālaya and Indus, des- cribed as of four different colours:-- white, pale-yellow, red, and dark-blue.
    -मेदकः 1 see गोमेद.
    -2 a kind of poison (काकोल).
    -3 smearing the body with unguents.
    -मेधः, -यज्ञः a cow-sacrifice; Rām.7.25.8.
    -यानम्, -रथः a carriage drawn by oxen; Rām.2.82.26; Ms. 11.174.
    -युक्त a. drawn by oxen.
    -युतम् 1 a cattle station.
    -2 a measure of two Krośas (गव्यूत); गोयुते गोयुते चैव न्यवसत्पुरुषर्षभः Mb.14.65.22.
    -रक्षः 1 a cow- herd.
    -2 keeping or tending cattle.
    -3 the orange.
    -4 an epithet of Śiva. ˚जम्बू f. wheat.
    -रक्षणम् tending cattle (with religious faith).
    -रङ्कुः 1 a water-fowl
    -2 a prisoner.
    -3 a naked man, a mendicant wandering about without clothes.
    -4 a chanter.
    -रवम् saffron.
    -रसः cow's milk.
    -2 curds.
    -3 buttermilk.
    -4 the flavour of a sentence; को रसो गोरसं विना Udb. ˚जम् buttermilk.
    -राजः an excellent bull.
    -राटिका, -राटी the Sārikā bird.
    -रुतम् a measure of dis- tance equal to two Krośas.
    -रूपम् the form of a cow. (
    -पः) N. of Śiva.
    -रोचम् yellow orpiment.
    -रोचना a bright yellow pigment prepared from the urine or bile of a cow, or found in the head of a cow.
    -लवणम् a measure of salt given to a cow.
    -लाङ्गु- (गू) लः a kind of monkey with a dark body, red cheeks and a tail like that of a cow; गोलाङ्गूलः कपोलं छुरयति रजसा कौसुमेन प्रियायाः Māl.9.3.
    -लोकः a part of heaven, cow-world.
    -लोभिका, -लोभी 1 a prostitute.
    -2 white Dūrvā grass.
    -3 Zedoary.
    -4 N. of a shrub.
    -वत्सः a calf. ˚आदिन m. a wolf.
    -वधः the killing of a cow; Ms.11.59.
    -वर्धनः a celebrated hill in वृन्दावन the country about Mathurā. ('This hill was lifted up and supported by Kṛiṣṇa upon one finger for seven days to shelter the cowherds from a storm of rain sent by Indra to test Kṛiṣṇa's divinity.') ˚धरः, ˚धरिन् m. an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -वरम् pounded cowdung.
    -वशा a barren cow.
    -वाटम्, -वासः a cow-pen.
    -वासन a. covered with an ox-hide.
    -विकर्तः, -विकर्तृ m.
    1 the killer of a cow; Mb.4.2.9.
    -2 a hus- bandman.
    -विततः a horse-sacrifice having many cows.
    -विन्दः 1 a cowkeeper, a chief herdsman.
    -2 N. of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -3 Bṛihaspati. ˚द्वादशी the twelfth day in the light half of the month of फाल्गुन
    -विष् f.,
    -विष्ठा cowdung.
    -विषाणिकः a kind of musical instrument; Mb.6.44.4.
    -विसर्गः day-break (when cows are let loose to graze in forests); Rām.7.111.9.
    -वीथिः f. N. of that portion of the moon's path which contains the asterisms भाद्रपदा, रेवती and अश्विनी, or according to some, हस्त, चित्रा and स्वाती Bṛi. S.9.2.
    -वीर्यम् the price received for milk.
    -वृन्दम् a drove of cattle.
    -वृन्दारकः an excellent bull or cow.
    -वृषः, -वृषभः an excellent bull; न तां शेकुर्नृपा वोढुमजित्वा सप्त गोवृषान् Bhāg 1.58.33. ˚ध्वजः an epithet of Śiva.
    -वैद्यः a quack docter.
    -व्रजः 1 a cow-pen.
    -2 a herd of cows.
    -3 a place where cattle graze.
    -व्रत, -व्रतिन् a. one who imitates a cow in fru- gality;...अत्र गोव्रतिनो विप्राः... ॥ यत्रपत्रशयो नित्यं येन केन- चिदाशितः । येन केनचिदाच्छन्नः स गोव्रत इहोच्यते ॥ Mb.5.99. 13-14.
    -शकृत् n. cowdung; Ms.2.182.
    -शतम् a present of a hundred cows to a Brāhmaṇa.
    -शालम्, -ला a cow-stall.
    -शीर्षः, -र्षम् a kind of sandal; Kau. A.2.11.
    -2 a kind of weapon (arrow ?); Mb.7.178. 23.
    -षड्गवम् three pairs of kine.
    -षन्, -षा a. Ved. acquiring or bestowing cows.
    -षा (सा) तिः 1 acquiring cattle; or fighting for cattle. गोषाता यस्य ते गिरः Rv.8.84.7.
    -2 giving cattle.
    -ष्टोमः a kind of sacri- fice fasting for one day.
    -संख्यः a cowherd.
    -सदृक्षः a species of ox (गवय).
    -सर्गः the time at which cows are usually let loose, day-break; see गोविसर्ग.
    -सवः a kind of cow-sacrifice (not performed in the Kali age); Mb.3.3.17.
    -सहस्रम् a kind of present (महादान). (
    -स्त्री) N. of two holidays on the fifteenth day of the dark half of कार्तिक and ज्येष्ठ.
    -सावित्री N. of a hymn (cf. गायत्री).
    -सूत्रिका a rope fastened at both ends having separate halters for each ox or cow.
    -स्तनः 1 the udder of a cow.
    -2 a cluster of blossoms, nosegay &c.
    -3 a pearl-necklace of four strings.
    -4 a kind of fort.
    -स्तना, -नी a bunch of grapes.
    -स्थानम्, -क्रम् a cow-pen.
    -स्वामिन् m.
    1 an owner of cows.
    -2 a religious mendicant.
    -3 an honorary title affixed to proper names; (e. g. वोपदेवगोस्वामिन्).
    -हत्या cow-slaughter.
    -हल्लम् (sometimes written हन्नम्) cow-dung.
    -हरः, -हरणम् stealing of cows; गोष्ठमुत्किरति गोहरं वदेत् Bṛi. S.89.9. (v. l.)
    -हित a. cherishing or protecting kine. (
    -तः) N. of Viṣṇu.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > गो _gō

  • 12 a intona un cântec

    to raise a song / a hymn.

    Română-Engleză dicționar expresii > a intona un cântec

  • 13 celebrate

    1. v праздновать, отпраздновать; торжественно отмечать; торжествовать
    2. v прославлять; воспевать, превозносить
    3. v служить; отправлять церковную службу; отправлять
    4. v разг. справлять, отмечать радостное событие

    on her birthday she was too sick to celebrate — свой день рождения она не отмечала, так как чувствовала себя очень плохо

    5. v разг. веселиться

    when the children saw the snow they celebrated — когда дети увидели снег, они очень обрадовались

    Синонимический ряд:
    1. commemorate (verb) commemorate; consecrate; dedicate; hallow; keep; memorialise; memorialize; observe; ritualize; solemnise; solemnize
    2. have a party (verb) carouse; frolic; have a party; make merry; paint the town; party; raise the roof; rejoice; revel; whoop it up
    3. praise (verb) acclaim; applaud; bless; cheer; commend; cry up; eulogise; eulogize; exalt; extol; fete; glorify; hail; honor; honour; hymn; laud; lionise; lionize; magnify; panegyrize; praise; psalm; psalmody; resound; revere; venerate
    Антонимический ряд:
    condemn; criticize; desecrate; dishonor; dishonour; disregard; forget; ignore; mourn; neglect; overlook; profane; violate

    English-Russian base dictionary > celebrate

  • 14 lay

    1. n положение, расположение

    the lay of the land — очертания и расположение страны; характер или рельеф местности

    2. n мор. спуск
    3. n сл. род занятий, профессия, работа
    4. n сл. план, намерение

    lay down an aim — поставить цель; составить план

    5. n груб. любовница; любовник
    6. n груб. совокупление
    7. n груб. мор. проф. доля в предприятии
    8. n груб. с. -х. яйценоскость; яйцекладка

    length of lay — период яйцекладки; период яйценоскости

    9. v класть, положить

    lay down — класть, положить

    lay foundation — заложить фундамент; положить; начало

    10. v прост. ложиться

    lay to — ложиться в дрейф; уменьшать ход до самого малого

    11. v класть определённым образом

    to lay bricks — класть кирпичи, делать кирпичную кладку

    12. v устанавливать; разрабатывать

    to lay eggs — сбрасывать бомбы; устанавливать мины

    13. v прокладывать, закладывать
    14. v повалить, свалить
    15. v разг. накидываться, набрасываться
    16. v примять, прибить
    17. v обыкн. помещать; переносить
    18. v предлагать пари, биться об заклад; делать ставку

    to lay a bet that … — держать пари, что …

    19. n лэ, баллада
    20. a светский, мирской; не духовный
    21. a не имеющий монашеского сана
    22. a непрофессиональный
    23. a некозырной
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. amateur (adj.) amateur; beginner; inexpert; neophyte; nonprofessional; novice
    2. laic (adj.) laic; laical; nonecclesiastical; profane; secular; temporal; unsacred; worldly
    3. lyric (noun) ballad; lyric; musical poem; ode; poem; rhyme
    4. melody (noun) air; diapason; measure; melisma; melodia; melody; strain; tune; warble
    5. position (noun) angle; lie; position; site
    6. song (noun) aria; descant; ditty; hymn; lied; song
    7. adduce (verb) adduce; advance; allege; cite; offer; present
    8. appease (verb) allay; appease; calm; quiet; still; suppress
    9. arrange (verb) arrange; contrive; devise; systematize
    10. ascribe (verb) accredit; ascribe; assign; attribute; blame; credit; impute; point; refer
    11. direct (verb) address; aim; cast; direct; head; incline; train; turn; zero in
    12. draft (verb) draft; draw up; formulate; frame
    13. even (verb) even; flatten; flush; level; plane; smooth; smoothen
    14. expose (verb) expose; subject; surprise; uncover
    15. impose (verb) assess; burden; charge; impose; penalise; penalize
    16. put (verb) bet; deposit; establish; fix; gamble; game; go; locate; place; play; post; put; put on; rest; risk; set; settle; spread; stake; stick; venture; wager
    17. rested (verb) consisted; dwelled; dwelt or dwelled; existed; inhered; lay; lay down; lie down; reclined; reposed; resided; rested; stretch out; stretched out
    Антонимический ряд:
    abrade; clerical; disarrange; disorder; erect; excite; lift; ordained; pick up; professional; raise; remove; spiritual

    English-Russian base dictionary > lay

  • 15 A Portuguesa

       The official Portuguese national anthem since 1911. A Portuguesa, which means "The Portuguese Woman," refers to the historical symbolic female figure or "Lady Republic," a Portuguese woman who wears republican garb, including a republican banner or flag and a Phrygian bonnet. The concept and name were modeled on the similar figure from the French Revolution of 1789, and the name of the French national anthem, "The Woman from Marseilles," and republican symbols from France's Third Republic. Under the constitutional monarchy, the national anthem was called "The Hymn of the Charter," referring to the 1826 Charter or constitution drafted by Emperor Pedro I of Brazil or Pedro IV of Portugal to replace the controversial 1822 Constitution.
        A Portuguesa was composed during the popular frenzy and outcry generated by the English Ultimatum crisis of January 1890. Portugal capitulated to an English ultimatum presented to Lisbon by London during an Anglo-Portuguese conflict over possession of territory in central-east Africa. Intense feelings of patriotism, nationalism, and xenophobia were generated in the wake of the Lisbon government's capitulation and its subsequent resignation from office. Inspired by the popular reaction to this incident, Alfredo Keil, a Portuguese musician and opera composer of German descent, wrote the music for A Portuguesa, whose melody bears a slight resemblance to that of the stirring Internationale. The sentimental, bellicose lyrics were written by Keil's friend, Lopes de Mendonça.
       During the remaining years of the waning monarchy, A Portuguesa was sung as a rallying cry by republican partisans who wished to abolish the monarchy. The song's spirit is not only nationalistic, but is imbued with an imperative of Portuguese national revival in order to remind the people of their greatness of centuries ago. After the First Republic replaced the monarchy, the republic's Constituent Assembly adopted A Portuguesa as the country's national anthem in June 1911, and it has remained so ever since. The first verse with chorus imparts the spirit of the entire patriotic message of the anthem:
       Heroes of the sea, noble race
       valiant and immortal nation,
       now is the hour to raise up on high once more
       Portugal's splendor.
       From out of the mists of memory,
       of Homeland, we hear the voices
       of your great forefathers
       that shall lead you on to victory!
       To arms, to arms
       on land and sea!
       To arms, to arms
       to fight for our Homeland!
       To march against the enemy guns!

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > A Portuguesa

  • 16 κορθύνω

    A lift up, raise, Ζεὺς κόρθυνεν ἑὸν μένος raised high his wrath, Hes.Th. 853;

    εὖτέ με θυμὸς κορθύσῃ Hymn.Is. 150

    :—[voice] Pass., κῦμα κορθύεται waxes high, rears its crest, Il.9.7;

    ὕπερθε δὲ.. ἁλὸς κορθύεται ὕδωρ A.R.2.322


    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > κορθύνω

  • 17 κόρθυς

    κόρθυς, - υος
    Grammatical information: f.
    Meaning: `heap, of grain?, sheaf?' (Theoc. 10, 46: κόρθυος ἁ τομά; cf. H.: κόρθυας τὰ κατ' ὀλίγον δράγματα), `heap, σωρός' (EM 530, 3), of sand, ἄμμου κόρθυς (Anon. ap. Suid. s. κορθύεται).
    Derivatives: κορθύομαι ( κῦμα, resp. ὕδωρ Ι 7, A. R. 2, 322) `form a heap (a sheaf?), rise'; κορθύνω ( Ζεὺς κόρθυνεν ἑὸν μένος Hes. Th. 853). Aor. κορθῦσαι ( εὖτέ με θυμὸς κορθύσῃ Hymn. Is. 150) `raise high'.
    Origin: IE [Indo-European]X [probably] [579] *ḱerdh-, skerdh- `herd'
    Etymology: "Offenbar mit κόρθις, κορθίλαι nahe verwandt." Frisk (for which I see no reason). Connected with Skt. śárdha- m., śárdhas- n. `band, troop', Germ., e. g. Goth. haírda `herd', MWelsh cordd f. `troop, band, family' a. o. (IE. *ḱordho-, -ā, *ḱerdhos-, -ā, prop. *"heap"?). Further connection with κορέννυμι (Osthoff Etym. parerga 1, 8ff.; Pok. 579, also W.-Hofmann s. creō) is quite hypothetic.
    Page in Frisk: 1,921-922

    Greek-English etymological dictionary (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ετυμολογική λεξικό) > κόρθυς

  • 18 νεκρός

    νεκρός, ά, όν
    A. as adj. (perh. as early as Hom., certainly Pind.; in Ath. only R. title)
    pert. to being in a state of loss of life, dead, of pers.: lit. καταπίπτειν νεκρόν fall dead Ac 28:6. ἤρθη νεκρός he was taken up dead 20:9 (another possibility is as dead, for dead: Lucian, Ver. Hist. 1, 22; Eunapius, Vi. Soph. 76 συγχωρήσατε τῷ νεκρῷ [the one who is deathly sick] με δοῦναι φάρμακον.—ἤρθη ν. as TestJud 9:3). νεκρὸς κεῖται (Mel., P. 90, 672) lies dead AcPt Ox 849 recto, 15.—Ac 5:10; Js 2:26a. ἔπεσα πρὸς τοὺς πόδας αὐτοῦ ὡς ν. I fell at his feet as if I were dead Rv 1:17 (ὡς ν. as Diod S 36, 8, 4; TestAbr A 9 p. 86, 17 [Stone p. 20]). ἐγενήθησαν ὡς νεκροί Mt 28:4. ἐγένετο ὡσεὶ νεκρός Mk 9:26. Of Christ ἐγενόμην ν. I was dead Rv 1:18; cp. 2:8.
    pert. to being so morally or spirtually deficient as to be in effect dead, dead, fig. ext. of 1
    of pers. (Soph., Philoct. 1018 ἄφιλον ἔρημον ἄπολιν ἐν ζῶσιν νεκρόν; Menand., Colax 50; Epict. 3, 23, 28; schol. on Aristoph., Ran. 423 διὰ τὴν κακοπραγίαν νεκροὺς τοὺς Ἀθηναίους καλεῖ; Sextus 175 ν. παρὰ θεῷ; Philo, Leg. All. 3, 35, Conf. Lingu. 55, Fuga 56) of the prodigal son either thought to be dead, missing, or morally dead, depraved Lk 15:24, 32. Of a congregation that is inactive, remiss Rv 3:1. Of persons before baptism Hs 9, 16, 3f; 6. W. dat. of disadvantage ν. τῇ ἁμαρτίᾳ dead to sin Ro 6:11.—ἐκ νεκρῶν ζῶντας Ro 6:13; sim. on the mng. of baptism ν. τοῖς παραπτώμασιν dead in sins Eph 2:1, 5; Col 2:13. Of worldly-minded Christians: τὸ ἥμισυ ν. ἐστι Hs 8, 8, 1 v.l.
    of things ν. ἔργα dead works that cannot bring eternal life Hb 6:1; 9:14; Hs 9, 21, 2. ἡ πίστις χωρὶς ἔργων ν. ἐστιν faith apart from deeds (i.e. without practical application) is dead, useless Js 2:26b (κενή P74), cp. vss. 17, 20 v.l. (DVerseput, Reworking the Puzzle of Faith and Deeds in Js 2:14–26: NTS 43, ’97, 97–115). Of sin χωρὶς νόμου ἁμαρτία ν. where there is no law, sin is dead, i.e. sin is not perceptible Ro 7:8 (cp. 5:20). Of the believer, in whom Christ lives: τὸ σῶμα νεκρόν the body (of σάρξ and sin) is dead 8:10 (Herm. Wr. 7, 2 visible corporeality is called ὁ αἰσθητικὸς νεκρός. Sim. Philo, Leg. All. 3, 69ff, Gig. 15).
    pert. to having never been alive and lacking capacity for life, dead, lifeless (Wsd 15:5; Ar. 3:2; Just., A I, 9, 1 ἀψυχα καὶ νεκρά) of the brass serpent 12:7. Of polytheistic objects of cultic devotion PtK 2 p. 14, 21. νεκροὶ θεοί 2 Cl 3:1; D 6:3. (On the borderline between 1 and 2: τὰ μὲν ὀνόματα … θεῶν ὀνόματά ἐστιν νεκρῶν ἀνθρώπων Theoph. Ant. 1, 9 [p. 76, 8]).
    B. as subst. ὁ ν. (so mostly Hom.+; ins, pap, LXX, En 103:5; TestGad 4:6; ApcEsdr 4:36; Philo; Jos., Bell. 4, 331 al.; Ar. 15, 3; Just., Mel., Ath., R. title; Jos.)
    one who is no longer physically alive, dead person, a dead body, a corpse, lit. Lk 7:15; Hb 9:17; 11:35; Rv 20:5; 12:13. μακάριοι οἱ ν. οἱ ἐν κυρίῳ ἀποθνῄσκοντες 14:13; cp. 1 Th 4:16. Without art. νεκροῦ βληθέντος AcPlCor 2:32 (w. ζῶν as Appian, Liby. 129 §617 τ. νεκροὺς κ. τ. ζῶντας; Aesop, Fab. 69 H.=288 P.; EpArist 146) of God οὐκ ἔστιν (ὁ) θεὸς νεκρῶν ἀλλὰ ζώντων Mt 22:32; Mk 12:27; Lk 20:38. καὶ ν. καὶ ζώντων κυριεύειν rule over the living and the dead i.e. over all humankind past and present Ro 14:9. κρίνειν ζῶντας καὶ νεκρούς 2 Ti 4:1; 1 Pt 4:5; 7:2; κριτὴς ζώντων καὶ ν. Ac 10:42; 2 Cl 1:1; Pol 2:1. In this combination ν. without the article means all the dead, all those who are in the underworld (νεκροί=the dead: Thu. 4, 14, 5; 5, 10, 12; Lucian, Ver. Hist. 1, 39; Polyaenus 4, 2, 5). Of deceased Christians νεκροῖς εὐαγγελίσθη 1 Pt 4:6 (Selwyn, comm. 337–39). The art. can also be used without special significance: ὁ καιρὸς τῶν ν. κριθῆναι Rv 11:18; οἱ ν. ἀκούσουσιν τῆς φωνῆς τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ J 5:25. In prepositional phrases oft. without the art. ἐκ. ν. and ἀπὸ ν. (B-D-F §254, 2; Rob. 791f). ἐγείρειν ἐκ ν., ἐγείρεσθαι ἐκ ν. Mt 17:9; Mk 6:14; Lk 9:7; 24:46; J 2:22; 12:1, 9, 17; 21:14; Ac 3:15; 4:10; 13:30; Ro 4:24; 6:4, 9; 7:4; 8:11ab, 34 v.l.; 10:9; 1 Cor 15:12a, 20; Gal 1:1; Eph 1:20; Col 2:12; 2 Ti 2:8; Hb 11:19; 1 Pt 1:21; IMg 9:3; ITr 9:2; Pol 2:1f; 5:2; AcPlCor 2:6; 5:2. ἀναστῆναι ἐκ ν. and ἀναστῆσαί τινα ἐκ ν. (Just.; Mel., P.) Mk 9:9f; 12:25; Lk 16:31; J 20:9; Ac 10:41; 13:34; 17:3, 31; 1 Cl 24:1; 15:9; GPt 8:30 (KKuhn, NTS 7, ’61, 343f); Papias (11:3); Qua. ἡ ἐκ ν. ἀνάστασις (Mel., P. 3, 20) 5:6; Lk 20:35; Ac 4:2. Also ἡ ἐξανάστασις ἡ ἐκ ν. Phil 3:11; ζωὴ ἐκ ν. Ro 11:15; ἀνάγειν ἐκ ν. (Just., A I, 45, 1; 50, 12 al.) bring up from the realm of the dead Ro 10:7; Hb 13:20. ἀπὸ ν. πορεύεσθαι πρός τινα come up to someone fr. the realm of the dead Lk 16:30. Somet. the art. is included in these prep. combinations without appreciable difference in mng.: ἐγείρεσθαι ἀπὸ τῶν ν. Mt 14:2; 27:64; 28:7 (but ἐγείρεσθαι ἐκ ν. 17:9). ἐγείρειν ἐκ τῶν ν. 1 Th 1:10 v.l.; πρωτότοκος ἐκ τῶν ν. Col 1:18 beside ὁ πρωτότοκος τῶν ν. Rv 1:5. The art. is often omitted w. the gen.; so as a rule in ἀνάστασις ν. (Did., Gen. 96, 13) resurrection of the dead, an expr. that is explained by the locution ἀναστῆναι ἐκ ν. (also Ar. 15, 3; Just., D. 80, 4) Ac 17:32; 23:6; 24:21; 26:23; Ro 1:4; 1 Cor 15:12b, 13, 21; D 16:6. νεκροῦ ἀνάστασιν Papias (2:9). ἀνάστασις ἐκ ν. 1 Pt 1:3; ἐκ ν. ἀνάστασις AcPlCor 2:35. Also ἀνάστασις τῶν ν. Mt 22:31; 1 Cor 15:42 (Just., D. 45, 2). νεκροὺς ἐγείρειν raise the dead Mt 10:8; Ac 26:8; AcPl Ha 8, 35=BMM verso 8f. Pass. (Theoph. Ant. 1, 8 [p. 74, 6]) Mt 11:5; Lk 7:22 (cp. 4Q 521:12; on the fig. understanding s. κωφός 2); 1 Cor 15:15f, 29b, 32. Also τοὺς ν. ἐγείρειν J 5:21; 2 Cor 1:9. Pass. Mk 12:26; Lk 20:37; 1 Cor 15:35, 52. Of God ζωοποιεῖν τοὺς ν. Ro 4:17. μετὰ τῶν ν. among the dead Lk 24:5. βαπτίζεσθαι ὑπὲρ τῶν ν. be baptized for the dead 1 Cor 15:29a (s. βαπτίζω 2c; JWhite, JBL 116, 97, 487–99). τάφοι νεκρῶν IPhld 6:1. ὀστέα νεκρῶν the bones of the dead Mt 23:27. ἄτονος ὥσπερ νεκροῦ νεῦρα powerless as the sinews of a corpse Hm 12, 6, 2. αἷμα ὡς νεκροῦ blood like that of a dead person Rv 16:3.
    one who is so spiritually obtuse as to be in effect dead, dead pers., fig. ext. of 1 (cp. Philo, Fuga 56) ἄφες τοὺς ν. θάψαι τοὺς ἑαυτῶν ν. let the dead bury their dead of those who do not give priority to discipleship Mt 8:22; Lk 9:60 (cp. Theophyl. Sim., Ep. 25 τ. θνητοῖς τὰ θνητὰ καταλείψομεν.—FPerles, ZNW 19, 1920, 96; 25, 1926, 286f; Bleibtreu [s. μισέω 2]. AEhrhardt, Studia Theologica VI, 2, ’53, 128–64.—θάπτειν τοὺς ν. lit. Jos., Bell. 5, 518). The words ἀνάστα ἐκ τ. νεκρῶν Eph 5:14 appear to belong to a hymn (s. Rtzst., Erlösungsmyst. 1921, 136) that may have become part of the baptism ritual (MDibelius, Hdb. ad loc.; FDölger, Sol Salutis2, 1925, 364ff).—B. 290. DELG. M-M. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > νεκρός

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